2025 Spring Chick Schedule

Easter Egger chickOur 2025 Spring chick schedule is here! Chicks arrive at D&D Feed starting in February and go through early May, 2025. See the anticipated spring chick schedule below, it includes arrival dates and chick types we have ordered. Chicks are available for purchase starting at 9:00 AM on the day of arrival! At this time there are no quantity limits in place. 

Chick Facts:

Note that the dates listed below can change! The delivery from the hatchery can be delayed, or the hatch may be lower than normal. Before you load up and head on over, please CALL US to confirm delivery dates and availability!

D&D buys mainly (pullets). They are 95% guaranteed to be females. Some species we order are Straight Runs, which means you could get a male or female chick. Hatchery Choice means they are a mix of breeds and could be male or female.

Chicks arriving at the store are typically 3-5 days old. To ensure you are set up for a successful coop please have starter chicken feed, chick waterers, heat lamps, and more. Ask our friendly staff for help. For questions about chick types or anything else, please call us at (281) 351-7144 or stop by the store.

When will my chickens start laying eggs? Chicks typically start laying eggs around 18 weeks of age. At that time you’ll need to switch to a Layer Feed.

Chicks are available for purchase starting at 9:00 AM on the day of arrival! At this time there are no quantity limits in place. 

Follow us on Facebook for new arrivals.

Arrival DateChick Types
Wednesday, February 12, 2025Golden Laced Wyandotte Pullets
Rhode Island Red Pullets
Barred rock Pullets
Buff Orpington Pullets
Lavender Orpington Pullets
Speckled Sussex Pullets
Sapphire Gem Pullets
Buff rock Pullets
Ameraucana Pullets
Buff Brahma Pullets
Lavender Wyandotte Pullets
Friday, February 21, 2025Barred Rock Pullets
Ameraucana Pullets
Bielefelder Pullets
Buff Orpington Pullets
Black Jersey Giant Pullets
Blue Jersey Giant Pullets
Calico Princess Pullets
Blue Laced Wyandotte Pullets
French Black Copper Maran Pullets
Sapphire Gem Pullets
Friday, February 28, 2025Calico Princess Pullets
Sapphire Olive Egger Pullets
Buff Orpington Pullets
Cinnamon Queen Pullets
Cream Legbar Pullets
French Cuckoo Maran Pullets
Golden Laced Wyandotte Pullets
Rhode Island Red Pullets
Ameraucana Pullets
Lavender Orpington Pullets
Friday, March 7, 2025Delaware Pullets
Ameraucana Pullets
Sapphire Olive Egger Pullets
Dominique Pullets
Lavender Wyandotte Pullets
Sicilian Buttercup Pullets
Silver Laced Wyandotte Pullets
French Black Copper Maran Pullets
Welsummer Pullets
Sapphire Gem Pullets
Columbian Wyandotte Pullets
Thursday, March 13, 2025Ameraucana Pullets
Hatchery Choice Silkie Bantams, Straight Run
Friday, March 14, 2025Golden Laced Wyandotte Pullets
Salmon Faverolle Pullets
Speckled Sussex Pullets
Lavender Orpington Pullets
Sapphire Olive Egger Pullets
Bielefelder Pullets
Mystic Onyx Pullets
Blue Jersey Giant Pullets
Sicilian Buttercup Pullets
Cream Legbar Pullets
Lavender Orpington Pullets
Buff Rock Pullets
Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Pullets
Rainbow Easter Egger Pullets
Thursday, March 20, 2025Ameraucana Pullets
Hatchery Choice Silkie Bantams, Straight Run
Friday, March 21, 2025Prairie Bluebell Egger Pullets
Speckled Sussex Pullets
French Black Copper Maran Pullets
Rhode Island Red Pullets
Ameraucana Pullets
French Cuckoo Maran Pullets
Sapphire Gem Pullets
Black Jersey Giant Pullets
Sapphire Olive Egger Pullets
Columbian Wyandotte Pulets
Rainbow Egger Pullets
Thursday, March 27, 2025Ameraucana Pullets
Hatchery Choice Silkie Bantams Straight Run
Friday, March 28, 2025Sapphire Splash Pullets
Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Pullets
Sicilian Buttercup Pullets
Silver Laced Wyandotte Pullets
Cream Legbar Pullets
Black Australorp Pullets
Starlight Green Egger Pullets
Ameraucana Pullets
Blue Jersey Giant Pullets
Columbian Wyandotte Pullets
Sapphire Olive Egger Pullets
Olive Egger Pullets
Thursday, April 3, 2025Ameraucana Pullets
Hatchery Choice Turkeys Straight Run
Hatchery Choice Silkie Bantams Straight Run
Friday, April 4, 2025Turken (Naked Neck) Pullets
Lavender Wyandotte Pullets
French Black Copper Maran Pullets
Welsummer Pullets
Salmon Faverolles Pullets
Speckled Sussex Pullets
Ameraucana Pullets
Lavender Orpington Pullets
Olive Egger Pullets
Bielefelder Pullets
Chocolate Orpington Pullets
Blue Andalusian Pullets
Mystic Onyx Pullets
Thursday, April 10, 2025Ameraucana Pullets Hatchery Choice Crested Ducks Straight Run
Hatchery Choice Bantams Straight Run
Hatchery Choice Silkie Bantams Straight Run
Hatchery Choice Turkeys Straight Run
Hatchery Choice Geese
Friday, April 11, 2025Barred Rock Pullets
Bielefelder Pullets
Buff Orpington Pullets
Black Jersey Giant Pullets
Brahma Pullets
Calico Princess Pullets
Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Pullets
Rhode Island Red Pullets
Cinnamon Queen Pullets
Cream Legbar Pullets
Barred Rock Pullets
Buckeye Pullets
Buff Orpington Pullets
Thursday, April 17, 2025Calico Princess Pullets
Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Pullets
French Black Copper Maran Pullets
Cinnamon Queen Pullets
Cream Legbar Pullets
French Cuckoo Maran Pullets
Salmon Faverolles Pullets
Prairie Bluebell Egger Pullets
Speckled Sussex Pullets
Sapphire Olive Egger Pullets
Rhode Island Red Pullets
French Black Copper Maran Pullets
Lavender Orpington Pullets
Midnight Majesty Maran Pullets
Ameraucana Pullets
Buff Brahma Pullets
Ameraucana Pullets
Hatchery Choice Crested Ducks Straight Run
Hatchery Choice Bantams Straight Run
Hatchery Choice Silkie Bantams Straight Run
Hatchery Choice Turkeys Straight Run
Hatchery Choice Geese Straight Run
Thursday, April 24, 2025Ameraucana Pullets
Hatchery Choice Bantams Straight Run
Hatchery Choice Silkie Bantams Straight Run
Friday, April 25, 2025Deleware Pullets
Lavender Orpington Pullets
Sapphire Oliver Egger Pullets
Dominique Pullets
Lavender Wyandotte Pullets
Sicilian Buttercup Pullets
Cream Legbar Pullets
Cinnamon Pullets
Friday, May 2, 2025Gold Laced Wyandotte Pullets
Salmon Faverolles
Speckled Sussex Pullets
Lavender Orpington Pullets
Sapphire Olive Egger Pullets
Bielefelder Pullets
Mystic Onyx Pullets
Blue Jersey Giant Pullets
Sicilian Buttercup Pullets
Columbian Wyandotte Pullets
Buff Orpington Pullets
White Leghorn Pullets

Friday, May 9, 2025Barred Rock Pullets
Speckled Sussex Pullets
French Black Copper Maran Pullets
Rhode Island Red Pullets
Buff Orpington Pullets
French Cuckoo Maran Pullets
Sapphire Gem Pullets
Black Jersey Gian Pullets
Olive Egger Pullets



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